I always think that it is sad when a building becomes an eyesore in an otherwise attractive area. Unfortunately this isn't the only empty building in the centre of the village. I hope that they all quickly become presentable or we will quickly get a run down feeling about the place!
I would think that with this booming real estate market in England, there would not be any derelict buildings...
I perused your blog and like your nature photos (loved the butterfly).
I was also worried about the global warming effect on animals, but an expert told me it would only benefit them, by prolonging their mating season, and therefore, increase their numbers.
Your expert is talking rubbish! many animals require quite specific ecosystems to survive, e.g. the pH of the water they occupy, the mix of plants etc. A couple of degrees warming will completely change much of this, for examole many of the plants and animals on the top of the Cairngorm mountains in Scotland will disappear, they will not be able to move to a higher altitude to reprocate the climate they need as they are at the top. Higher ph, due to dissolved carbon dioxide will almost certainly wipe out all the major coral reefs of the world, and therefore the dependant fish species etc etc etc...............
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