Yesterday we spent most of the day in Walthamstow, with Si, Rocio and the the two boys. Just before we left I saw a very dull Siskin on one of the feeders.
Today, just out side my study window this rather brighter Siskin was feeding this morning, although it was the only one I saw. Normally they visit on and off during their Spring migration, and if they are around during April often the males are in song.
I was surprised to see this Coal Tit at the same time that the Siskin was visiting. Although it isn't a particularly unusual species in the village it rarely comes into the garden here. I didn't seem to stay around for long, possibly because a Great Tit seemed to be quite quickly in the area and possibly made life to uncomfortable for the Coal Tit to stay in the area.
On fine days like today it is great to see our resident birds already getting on with the business of breeding. Meadow Pipits were much in evidence today, using fences and bushes as launch pads.
As usual I tried to get some shots of a Meadow Pipit as it parachuted down at the end of it's song flight, and as usual I was pretty unsuccessful in getting the picture that I wanted.
I visited the Restharrow Scrape at Sandwich Bay today. There was some action going on, with Lapwings, Coots, Tufted Ducks and Little Grebes, all showing signs of spring fever. One bird I wasn't expecting was this Barnacle Goose. I'm not sure how long it's been around, it doesn't get a mention on the Sandwich Bay web site. Although it isn't ringed I suppose that the odds are that it has come from a feral group rather than being a truly wild bird. Even so it makes a welcome change from the usual Canada and Greylag Geese.
Late this afternoon this Sparrowhawk was hunting around the garden. I looked up from my desk and watched it flitting around and it settled nicely on a post in full view. By the time I got my camera it had moved position and I had to be content with this half hidden view. I didn't see it have any success, but with the number of finches around and a group of Staling gathering to roost just down the road, there certainly is no shortage of potential prey.
Any day with a stunning Sparrowhawk outise the window has got to be a good one!
I agree Steve, although the finches don't seem quite so pleased to see him!
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