Saturday, 28 November 2015

Back on the Blog trail - Ducks and Drakes.

It has been a while since I last posted on this blog. Soon after the last post I flew off to Paraguay and had a really enjoyable birding trip. When I got back I managed to have a mishap carrying a small chest of drawers upstairs, fell backwards from somewhere near the top and knocked myself out when I headed the wall at the bottom! Fortunately Pam was there and when I came round she was arranging for the ambulance.  Although I was lucky, and the scan and x-ray showed I hadn't done any serious damage, I have been extremely surprised at how long it has taken me to feel back to normal and have the inclination to go out and take photos and then sort them out, and post them. We did have a week on the Scilly Isles, but I largely took it easy as I didn't have a lot of get up and go. Now I hope I'm back and fully ready to return to normal. I've still got hundreds of pictures to sort out from my Paraguay trip and a few from the Scillies, Today I had a look at the Restharrow Scrape at Sandwich Bay and wasn't surprised that the water level was high and the there were around 400 Teal on  view.

The island in front of the hide is one of the main resting area for the Teal flock, and the air is full of their tuneful whistles.

The drakes are now largely in their smart breeding plumage, and if there is some fine mild weather it want be long before they are chasing the ducks around.

Although there are a good number of Teal, other waterfowl are in short supply. I counted around 16 Shovelers today, an increase on the number reported earlier in the week. Most of the drakes are looking very smart.

I did notice this chap who could do with a bit smartening up. He did spend a lot of time preening so there was a definite intention to join the pretty boys in the near future,

There were around half a dozen Gadwall just in front of the hide.  Although they are not particularly colourful I think the are one of the more handsome ducks.

Even when they are up-ending the subtle vermiculations and the jet black rear end are very distinctive.

Of course there are Mallards around, and as is normal a small gang of males were on the look out for some action.

If you've got an itch scratch it!


Steve Gale said...

Welcome back Tony. You've been missed!

Tony Morris said...

Thanks Steve

Derek Faulkner said...

Well, well, so that's where you've been, lazing around at home feeling sorry for yourself!
Good to have you back Tony and nice wildfowl photos in this latest posting.

jelltex said...

Glad you are feeling better, and great to have you back. I look forward to the shots from the two trips.