Monday, 30 November 2015

Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside

It wasn't an inviting afternoon, but I decided to have a look at St Margaret's Bay around High tide, as there are normally lots of Rock Pipits forced up there, at this time. In addition, the fact that the direct road down to the bay was closed for road works would probably mean there would be fewer people down there.

Not too much of the I do like to stroll along the Prom, Prom, Prom!  - Tiddely-om-pom-pom!

Since the car park was renovated a few years ago it does provide nice muddy pools for wintering Pied Wagtails to pick around looking for morsels to eat.

There were at least two Pied Wagtails using the puddles that were sheltered by the wall of the car park, almost as if it had been designed for them.

The search finally paid of and this Wagtail popped up with a large caterpillar. It took a while beating on the ground, but it did disappear in the end.

After such a large meal the Wagtail settled to an afternoon dose, although I suspect it would be looking for more quite quickly.

 The thoughtfully constructed fresh water lake in the car park (providing we get enough rain) was in full use by some Black-headed Gulls.

All of those present today were winter plumaged adults and disappointingly they were not joined by any more interesting Gulls.

 The Rock Pipits were active along the shingle and the walls. This particular bird spent along time on its haunches keeping out of the strong wind.

This, a second bird seemed happy running along the  wall, unperturbed by the conditions.

There were quite a few Herring Gulls around, some occasionally making use of the damp grass to look for food.

The Bay was a filled with  white foam as the waves came in and broke over the wall. After yesterdays tragedy in Kingsdown I was pleased that no one was on the beach taking risks.

The wind, spray and drizzle made a proper sea watch impossible, but I could sea a good number of Fulmars and Kittiwakes over the waves and the occasional Cormorant passing by.

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