Friday, 4 December 2015

Birding similarites and differences in Paraguay

This evening was a members night at the KOS monthly indoor meeting. One of the talks was by Barry Wright about Southern Ecuador, a country I'm yet to visit. I did make me think back, just a few weeks to my trip to my trip to Paraguay. I'm only just starting to go through all my pictures and the first impression is always the huge differences, as well as some similarities to birding in Europe.

Seeing a dove on the roof is not unusual, but in this case it was slightly odd to see what is normally regarded as a forest bird on the roof of my hotel in Asuncion. The White-tipped Dove was my first tick in Paraguay.
Great (White) Egret is the same species that we are now getting used to when we are birding in Kent.

 Woodcreepers are one of my favourite South American families, and this one, a Scimitar-billed Woodcreeper was slightly unusual, in that it spent most of its time feeding on the ground.

 In the Autumn any birding at wet sites is likely to produce Sandpipers and in Paraguay waders were much in evidence. This Green Sandpiper look alike is one to watch out for in Kent, as a Solitary Sandpiper would certainly bring a big twitch.

 Although this is a "Blackbird" the Scarlet-headed Blackbird, is not related to ours, it certainly is a lot more colourful.

 We might have a lot of Gull Species, but I wish like the Americas, Asia and Africa we had Skimmers in Europe. These Black Skimmers put on a very exciting display.
Overall I found Paraguay a really friendly and interesting country to travel in. The birding was great, but like much of South America quite hard work at times. I hope to post some more pictures later, on here and on my flicker site.

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