Thursday 19 April 2007

First Orchid of the Year

I had heard that the first Early Spider Orchids were already out at Samphire Ho so I decided to see if I could find any out in our local grasslands. I didn't have any immediate success so I wandered towards Kingsdown and stopped to look at the garden at Little Green. This is one of the nicest properties, about eighty years old with a roof of traditional Kent Peg Tiles it is an elegant house with a great garden and interesting lawn. I noticed various sticks and knitting needles in the grass, obviously marking something to be careful of when mowing or walking.

I was fortunate that Mrs Quinn was in her garden and didn't mind me interrupting her work. She very kindly let me in to see some of the orchids and photograph this little beauty, which is just coming out to reveal its' full glory.

Walking back I couldn't resist a snap of this Fulmar that seemed to be playing on the up-draught at the top of the cliff just before Hope Point.


tut-tut said...

I'd never seen one of these orchids before. Thanks!

Tony Morris said...

There are quite a few orchid species in Kent (although comapred to warmer climes we don't have that many in the UK). I hope others will feature in the next few months!

Tony Morris said...

The scientific name of this Orchid is Ophrys sphegodes. The genus Ophrys has about 217 species and occurs in Europe, N Africa and Asia Minor, they don't occur in the Americas.