Thursday 27 September 2007

Topping Out Ceremony for "Foxley"

The Topping-Out Ceremony is an ancient custom of the construction industry, a remnant of medieval Europe when structures were made of wood and trees were inhabited by forest gods that needed propitiation.

The last of the roof beams was fixed in place by Shane and the Champagne flowed for Tim, Gloria and friends. ( As the photographer I've sneaked in the top left corner).

Shane was so excited he decided to do a Jig along the roof.

The roof is made of some impressive beams, the main cross pieces weighing almost a ton each!

After weeks of waiting and frustration Gloria and Tim finally have wide grins as they can see their grand project heading towards fulfillment.

I took the opportunity to get up on the roof, although I didn't emulate Shane's Jig. From here you can see "The Hidden House", not so hidden from this angle.

The high winds didn't prevent a quick "hweet" from a Chiffchaff in the hedge, but I was disappointed, on a quick visit to the bay, not to find any of the sea-birds that had earlier been reported from Reculver.

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