Friday 28 August 2009

Another new dart.

Although mothing has been dire for the last two or three days, this morning did bring a surprise in the form of a new moth for the garden (and for me).

Archer's Dart (Agrotis vestigialis)

Although not as spectacular as some, a close look shows this to be a beautifully marked Archer's Dart, with a subtle pattern that would do the "Arts and Crafts" movement proud.

Mullein Wave (Scopula marginepunctata)

Although not particularly common the Mullein wave is a regular with a few each year. This one was the first for this year on what is quite a late date for the first of this species. It was very clean and had presumably recently hatched.

Orange Swift (Hepialus sylvina)

This attractive little moth is an Orange Swift. Swifts are a strange family of moths in that the adults have not mouth parts and cannot feed. They really are just the reproductive stage. The larvae feed underground on the roots of grasses and small plants.

Meanwhile the garden looked like an out post of the KCCC academy, with Jack already with a good looking bowling action, and getting most going pretty straight, which is very good for an eight year old.

Josh, on the receiving end, manages to hit the ball most times. This is very good for a five year old, and both already show promise in what is a difficult game for youngsters to get to grips with.

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