Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Autumnal feeling

A good start to the day with this beautiful Pine Hawk-moth.

Pine Hawk-moth (Hyloicus pinastri)

Although this is quite a common moth around the county they seem to be scarcer in East Kent. This seemed to be very fresh, perhaps it had come up from the Pine Gardens.

I had a walk out at Grove Ferry this afternoon. There was nothing special but this young Marsh Harrier quartered the reeds close by.

Autumn passage was very evident with at least 25 Green Sandpipers around.

Family parties of Sedge Warblers were croaking in the reedy margins. It's worth checking as another visit from an Aquatic Warbler would be very welcome.

Black-tailed Skimmers could be seen over the marsh and on the way out to the Harrison Hide I watched several coming down to rest on the path.

I don't know if they are warming up on the stones warmed up by the strong sunshine, or just playing some territorial game.
As I walked back to the car park a Turtle Dove was gently purring, a reminder that there is still some summer to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great set of photos, Tony.

Regards the BTS`s. They do prefer to rest on terra firma, rather than on vegetation.

That Annulet in the next post up is a real cracker.