Thursday, 20 March 2014

All of a Hover

 I've long found Hoverfles fascinating, but even with the generalist filed guides to insects that I've got , I've found that getting to the correct identification rather difficult.

The publication of a new guide, Britain's Hoverflies, by Stuart Ball and Roger Morris, by WILDguides, has made life a little easier. A beautifully produced book, with great photos and keys, and one of a series of terrific guides by this publisher.

 When I saw this chap sunning it's self on a fence in the garden it was time to test by identification skills using my new book.I have to admit I was only half successful. I did manage to get it to the level of the Genus, Eristalis, but wasn't sure of the species.This is a genus of Honey-bee mimics, but of course, unlike bees, they have just two wings.

The second great help is the UK Hoverflies Facebook page. I had joined this at the suggestion of Roger Morris when he put me right on a photo I'd uploaded on Flicker a while ago. Within minutes of posting a photograph I got the answer that this is Eristalis tenax

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