Friday, 28 January 2022

Dung Heap Pipit

I decided to have a walk round Bockhill, including calling in at "Farm Wood" for another look at the Hume's Warbler. there are quite a few piles on dung on the fields, waiting to be spread over the area. On the way down to the farm I stopped to look at a Pipit was was feeding along the top of one of the heaps. 

It was obviously not a Meadow Pipit and although it was quite away from the seashore where they are normally found  it quickly became obvious that it was a Rock Pipit.

The only thing to consider was whether it was a littoralis (Scandinavian) or the usual petrosus,(British).

Although the bird was not as heavily marked as some petrosus  but the lack of grey tones on the head didn't look good for littoralis. 

In the wood there was no sounf of the Hume's Warbler and after a while I was watching a Great Spotted Woodpecker when a Warbler came into vew and moved into a large area of ivy, the usual story for the Hume's Warbler. I did get some better views, although it still stayed silent. Over the next hour and a half  I saw it a couple of times and as I left it became very vocal, but I still failed to get it into focus one my camera.

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