Wednesday 21 March 2007

Watch out for Toads

The Common Toad, (Bufo bufo) is one of my favourite animals, and not just because he was my hero in Wind in the Willows, "poop poop!". They hibernate from about the middle of October until towards the end of March. When they awake they make their way back to ponds where they breed. It is at this time that they are very vulnerable to being run over. If you see one, they walk not hop like frogs, crossing the road, give it a helping hand. Pick it up and take it to the other side. You'll be surprised, they're not at all slimy and remember they're the gardeners friend, eating lots of slugs and other pest insects.


tut-tut said...

Toads, frogs, and turtles--I don't think there are any more vulnerable wildlife around. I've moved many a turtle to the other side of the road (in the direction it was headed) in my driving lifetime.

Tony Morris said...

No turtles, terapins or tortoises wild in the UK, only escaped or released ones. Some terrapins can be a real problem, killing most native pondlife.

tut-tut said...

Well, I didn't know that! I moved a great big snapper years ago; it was lucky I had a shovel and a box in the back of my car. They can take a finger off in a flash.

isa said...

Love the "Winds in the Willows" - here's my tribute: