Friday 25 May 2007


When this wild flower (I won't call it a weed) appears in the lawn most gardeners dig them up without hestation.The Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale is a common meadow herb of the Asteraceae or sunflower family, closely related to chicory. Its name is a corruption of the French "dents de lion", meaning "teeth of the lion." Most European countries have similar names. Most parts of it are edible and it has many used as a medicinal herb. It has many active Constituents. It is a source of potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. The leaves are a richer source of Vitamin A than carrots, and contain some amounts of Vitamins B, C and D. The root contains bitter glycosides, tannins, triterpenes, sterols, volatile oil, choline, asparagin, and inulin.
Here are some of the uses it has been put to. These are from a "herbal" site and I do not suggest that anyone uses it without expert advice!
As an Hepatic, it works particularly well on the liver by toning, nourishing, and strengthening it.
As a diuretic. To eliminate warts. There are also recipes to make a Dandelion coffee and during the Coffee shortage some years ago Pam and I did make some, it was disgusting!

The more usual use of course is as a clock, well known to any child. It also makes a very good photographer's subject, providing it's not windy.


tut-tut said...

Nice closeups!

Josy said...

Dandelions are probably one of the world's most prolific weeds (a statement for which I have no proof), but there's still something special and interesting about them. Lovely photos (and description!), as usual. :)

Anonymous said...

I love this photo