Sunday 1 July 2007

Windmills Around and Around

I have strayed outside the village for these two pictures, but only by a mile or so. This windmill, close to the A258, near Ringwould seems to have been restored. I noticed, as I was coming back to St Margaret's from Deal, that, although the main sails weren't moving, the smaller "wheel" behind was twirling at a good rate. I can't find a great deal about Ripple Mill on the WEB, only that for many years it was a TV transmitter and has now been restored and that it is a smock mill. but there are several sites about windmills in Kent, but this links to one that seems comprehensive.
The Swingate Mill is closer to the village, just across the A258 on Hangman's Lane. This has been converted to a private dwelling. It was a tower mill and in a photo from 1986 it was just a shell. Now it is an attractive landmark in the area. There is a smock mill in St Margaret's Bay quite near the lighthouse.

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