Monday, 15 December 2008

A busy day for Sam

Sam quite likes coming to St Margaret's to see Nanny Pam and Tony (he doesn't bother with the Granddad bit). Mind you considering he was a bit under the weather with a cold he did have to work quite hard. First it was fill up the feeders.

Then it was hang them up on their hooks, so the birds could feed on them.

And considering how cold it was, washing out and filling up the bird bath was quite hard work. There were loads of birds about though, with lots of Chaffinches and Greenfinches coming on the feeders and about six Blackbirds and the same number of Woodpigeons feeding on the ground. There were even a few House Sparrows around.

After all that work Sam had a sleep before he took Nanny Pam and Tony out to see the lights at Hawthorn Place, in the Crabble bit of Dover. They're good people there because every year all the houses put up hundreds of Christmas lights and raise money for the Kent Air Ambulance, just like the lights in Collingwood Road that we saw earlier.

Sam needed to inspect the work in one of the gardens and thoroughly approved of the standard, even if he thought that the snowman's singing wasn't as good as him singing Jingle Bells.

Sam said that he hoped that everyone would go along because he thought it was fun seeing the Christmas lights especially the Helicopter (not a real one, but still good).

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