Friday, 13 March 2009

A woodland metaphor

When, two months ago, business minister Baroness Vadera claimed she could see "a few green shoots" of economic recovery starting she was roundly criticised.

The economy looked as bare as these coppiced chestnut trees in Captains wood.

But here there are some green shoots, the Bluebell leaves are growing fast and hopefully well soon see the first buds forming.

The leaves of Lords and Ladies are already assuming their arrow shapes,

and although most are still just buds a few wood anemones have ventured out to greet the spring.
Most of the trees are yet to stir but this birch has some catkins out. The wood was very quiet with very little bird song, apart from a few Robins and Chaffinches and the occasional burst calls from Blue, Great, Coal and Long-tailed Tits. I didn't see or hear a Woodpecker, but did catch a brief call of a Treecreeper but failed to see it.

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