Saturday 15 August 2009

Black-tailed Godwit, - last pictures for a while?

After Kent lost in the semi-final of the 20-20 cup a bad day got worse when my camera ceased to work shortly after I took this series of a Black-tailed Godwit at Back-Sands Scrape this evening.


Anonymous said...

And you`ve done the bird justice, with them shots. Nice one, Tony.

Josh Jenkins Shaw said...

Fairly sure thats a juvenile Black-tailed Godwit (?)

Tony Morris said...

Josh, mis-type, half a bottle of wine, and all the other excuses.

East Kent Kingfishers said...

Phew - I'd seen the same 'wits on Backsand and your post was getting me worried I was going doo-lally.


Tony Morris said...

No it was me. I was so annoyed about the camera, now on its way to Canon, that I really wasn't thinking about much else when I blogged, late at night, with the aid of a couple of glasses.