The Water Pipit in the Bay is getting to be a bit of an obsession. I know it's there, it sits on the wall at the end of the houses, posing until I try to get close, and then it disappears onto the sloping cliff and refuses to reappear.

I did a bit better to day, the light was good and although the bird was still a long way away, the white wing bars and
supercilium show up nicely. The grey on the head is developing a blueish tinge but Pam tells me that there's no hint of pink flush on the underparts or breast that are visible (not a colour that seems to register with me). I'm still hoping for a frame filler with the white outer tail feathers showing.

At this time of year the French ( Reg-legged) Partridges seem to spend a lot of time strutting about and don't see worry too much at being photographed from a car.
Badger Update: Tonight the regular visitor came at 8.10 pm and a couple of minutes later was joined by a second and slightly slimmer badger. I think that the face stripes are thinner and this may be a male and female, but I know without examination mistakes are easy.
This clip shows the two of them feeding and me trying to get in position to take a picture of them, The flash doesn't show up very brightly, and they don't take much notice.

And this is the resulting picture from the exercise above. The regular visitor is on the right. The other one has a bit of a dirty snout and a lump and scar on it. I think the new badger has rather different ear patterns, neatly trimmed with white rather than tufted.
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