The summer is rapidly coming to a peak for many flowers and butterflies, and I took a look at some Lizard Orchids at Sandwich Bay. A few lucky people have them growing on their lawns and seem to cherish them.

Lizard Orchid (Himantoglossum hircinum)
Although this one was a much small specimen it shows off the individual flowers quite well.

Opposite the observatory, I took the foot path that leads to the ringing area. At least two Cuckoos were along the fence, but didn't allow a close approach.

I noticed that a lot of Jackdaws were feeding deep in the grass, perhaps there was a hatching of one of the insects they are feeding to their young?

The field was full of Southern Marsh Orchids, and for once I seem to be here at about the right time, as most are still in prime condition.
Some how this orchid is treated to such iconic status as the Lizard or Lady Orchid is in Kent, but a close look reveals it to be a beautiful flower.

I didn't count the spikes, but the population seemed healthy, although I don't know how it compares to previous years.

While I was photographing the Orchids a couple of skippers were flitting around. This Large Skipper seemed to prefer sunning itself on bracken rather than the flowers.
While this Small Skipper obligingly posed on one of the Southern Marsh Orchids. It is still a bit early for Essex Skippers, but it won't be long before they arrive to confuse the issue.
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