Thursday 2 September 2010

Runner Bean Blues

A beautiful day, but with the clear night most of the migrants had cleared out. There were very few warblers around, but the walk to Hope Point was still worth while.

This Common Buzzard flew over me in the Paddock, but it was only when the corvids started their noisy pursuit that I became aware of it. AT this time of year one can hope for a nice Honey Buzzard, but although I tried this one remained a Common one.

I did come across a disappearing Wheatear. Now that the fields are being ploughed Wheatears are hard to see and the large clods make it even harder.

This one became easier to spot when it stretched it wings and showed it's "white-arse", an old country name name for the bird.

It seemed to do a lot of stretching, it might have been using the sunshine to encourage any parasites to the surface before preening.

I really like their rather proud and cocky stance, it has a form of defiance in the attitude.

The Holly Blue in the garden seems to be showing as much liking to our runner beans as I do. There surely is no better vegetable when fresh than a Runner. It's such a pity that the growing season is short and worse when the wind blows half of the flowers off!

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