Saturday, 23 April 2011

"A picture is worth a thousand words"

Today was another gloriously sunny day. Like hundreds of other people I used the opportunity to wander along the "White Cliffs of Dover".

There was a haze in the air that meant the port was shrouded in mist as I looked from just beyond Langdon Hole. As Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte said "Un bon croquis vaut mieux qu'un long discours," so I'll let the pictures tell most of the story.

The views were fabulous, but can you see the bird?

Perhaps zooming in will help.

I think a hundred people stopped and look at this view while I was watching but not one saw this Peregrine.

Another view to play spot the bird.

The Ravens were very evident today, and seemed not to worry about people walking along the footpath.
Trying to get close with the light in the right direction wasn't easy.

Yes it was as noisy as it looks.

The gulls seemed to have given up mobbing them, but the Jackdaws continue to voice their discontent.

I got some great views of them flying along the cliff top.

Fulmar and Raven pass in the air.

Having walked to Fan Bay I returned to my original watch Point.

What a treat to watch the Peregrine demonstrating it's mastery in the air.

I'm not sure but I think this was the male.

It returned to it's perch.

Still alert, but facing away this time.

And then it was gone, but as I took this I noticed it's partner just above.

I believe this is the female, it did seem larger than the other bird, which was still in view flying along the cliff.

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