Wednesday 30 January 2013


As Robbie Burns said to John Steinbeck  "The best laid plans of mice and men". Things don't always turn out as you want them to. After another look at my Kingfisher site, this time with a successful fly-by, I was on my way to look at Pegwell bay, as the tide would be high and I haven't had a look at any waders yet this year, when I felt a distinct judder in my car. Unfortunately it's difficult to stop on a dual carriage way with soft edges and I slowed down and eventually manage to turn into the lead road to Pfizers. A very flat and complete b*ggered off-side back tyre. I love changing tyres, sitting in the road with lorries roaring by!

Anyway I got the job done but decided I'd best get the tyre sorted and replaced. Looking at the others, all legal, but on their last mm or so, I decided to get the lot changed. While it was being done, by my favourite fitting place in Dover I took a walk along the river and then round to Old Charlton Road. Cemeteries are not everybody's favourite places, but the one here is quiet, as you might expect, and has some good trees and shrubs. I found a Firecrest in here a couple of years ago, but today's treat was watching a Treecreeper on one of the large pines. It was on view for a good time, but mostly high up in dense branches, I only got a few seconds with it on the main trunk.

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