Monday, 10 February 2014

Our Wet, Wet, Wet Climate

The flooding situation in East Kent is not as dramatic as it is in some parts of the country, but for those people around Ickham, Wickenborough and then through to Bridge and Patrixbourne and surrounding villages the situation is quite critical. Closer to here the Alkham Valley is flooded and the cricket pitch in the village centre has become a large village pond.

The Cricket Pitch at Alkam.

Football Pitch at Alkham

Hydroponics at Meggets Lane, Alkham

The fledgling Dour, normally at trickle at Meggets Lane.

 High winds have brought down a large Cedar Tree at the Old Rectory Ickham.

 Wickham Lane, Ickham, impassable to traffic as the Little Stour overflows.

 Drill Lane. Ickham, also closed to traffic. The water still rising and the sandbags in place.

 Grove Ferry Road, coming from Stodmarsh the road was closed at the junction near Elm Tree Farm.

 Wellies on and the water nearly reach the top, but a good view of the reserve that now looks like a large lake.

 One car seems to be stuck, or parked in a rather silly place. The driver in the car coming towards me stopped, wound his window down, and asked me if he could get through OK. When I assured him he'd be OK, but asked him not to got too fast as he passed me, the stupid idiot managed to create a wave that topped my wellies. If you know Mr R14 ALT. pass on my good wishes and tell him he's a pratt!

 Looking away from the reserve, in a NE direction, the fields were still mainly under water.

 The Little Stour at the Blue Bridge had over flowed on both sides, making huge lakes.

 The water table is now so high and the ground totally saturated that more rain will inevitably cause further flooding.

 The farmland by the Salvatoris depot is largely submerged. This is looking North-East

And the same situation looking South-West.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are right it's WET.